Day in the Life of a Hedge Fund Analyst (2024)

  • [Music] the time is 7:30
    a.m. it’s 13° f with clear skies and Sun today’s forecast calls for more of the
    same with a high of 30° and a low of [Music]
  • It’s been a while since I last made one of these videos I think the last time I made one of these videos was actually around this time last year.
  • besides the fact that you guys seem to like these sorts of videos I think it’s
    pretty interesting for myself to just document my life from time to time just
    to see how much has changed.
  • for example since my last video I’ve moved out of
    New York City I’ve changed jobs I’ve moved to this new apartment in a new
    city so I think in the future looking back it’ll be pretty interesting to see
    what my life was like in certain points in time anyways.
  • Before we get into this video I just want to quickly say that hedge funds take careful precautions to
    make sure that they don’t leak any info about their operations their strategies
    things like that.
  • so why I would love to give you guys a full in-depth inside
    look into to a hedge fund and tell you guys all the interesting things I’m
    working on out of respect for my company I won’t be going to too many specifics
    and I also won’t be able to show you my actual place of work inside the office.
  • But with that out of the way I still hope you find this video to be
    insightful and entertaining so without further Ado here is a recreation of what
    a typical day for me looks like working from home at a hedge fund as a risk
    analyst is
    [Music] the first thing I do when I log on in
    the morning is I boot up Bloomberg and my
    mailbox I check to see if there’s any emails that I need to respond to right
    away and if so I’ll address those first if not I’ll get right to doing my daily
    morning tasks which include sending a daily risk email to the portfolio
    managers with some info that they need to know I also have to run an automated
    Excel spreadsheet to compile a report for a portfolio so I’ll kick that off
    when that’s loading I like to load up Bloomberg check for any economic data
    releases and catch up on any news there’s a nice Daily News Alert that
    Bloomberg has that shows five pieces of the most relevant and uptate news
    stories that I look at every morning once these initial few morning tasks
    have been accomplished I like to use the morning hours when my brain is still
    fresh to tackle the hardest things I need to do for the day as of the present
    moment that happens to be a coding project where I’m trying to develop a
    tool that will send out an alert via email with a piece of information my
    team monitors my previous project was also programming related with I helped
    develop a tool to calculate a piece of data that we needed for some of our
    commodity stress tests at around 9 or so I’ll go make a quick breakfast usually
    just the
    eggs and of course got to have the hot sauce
    on certain days of the week my team and I will have a morning meeting where we
    discuss a number of topics such as any interesting developments in the markets
    any upcoming economic data that might move markets any risks that we should be
    aware of and what tasks we’re all working on now there’s only four people
    on my team and we all focus on different things generally speaking so for the
    rest of the day if there’s nothing else that we need to collaborate on we tend
    to work independently on our own tasks for lunch my girlfriend and I like to
    eat something quick and easy in not a terribly large meal so that we can try
    to avoid that that groggy feeling in the afternoon this week we’re just doing
    some wraps with da [Music]
    meat throughout the rest of the day I’ll usually continue to work on my projects
    but I’ll also do let’s call them miscellaneous tasks if they do arise
    this might include contacting a broker to set up some limits for a Trader doing
    some ad hoc analysis work for my boss or a presentation he’s putting together or
    checking some stress tests to see if they’re functioning properly the T TKS
    really vary day-to-day and so do the markets I look at whether it’s fixed
    income stocks Commodities Etc which helps to keep the job interesting on a
    day-to-day basis also depending on the time of the month there are some monthly
    tasks that are due such as analyzing and explaining the performance of some
    portfolio managers and what exactly happened in the markets that drove their
    performance so that the invest relations team can then relay that onto investors
    the last thing I’ll mention is that I do a lot of reading if I’m between tasks or
    I want to take a break or if I’m eating breakfast or on my lunch break I’ll
    constantly be reading Bloomberg articles substack articles Seeking Alpha articles
    and other Financial newsletters now it is part of my job to stay a breast of
    Current financial news and developments but I also just really enjoy learning
    about markets and trying to deepen my understanding of things like how the
    economy Works how certain Financial products work market dynamics and much
    more and it’s like that Aristotle quote goes the more you know the more you
    don’t know so whenever I have some downtime I like to use it on learning if
    I had give an overarching summary of how I spend my day I would say about 10% of
    my time is spent on my morning tasks and getting situated for the day 50% is the
    main project or projects that I’m focusing on which could take anywhere
    from weeks to months to complete depending on the complexity of the
    project 25% is spent doing tasks or ad hoc analysis that arise over the course
    of the day and the last 15% is spent reading at around 5:30 to 6:00 I’ll
    typically sign off and then immediately go to the gym it’s no equinox but hey at
    least it’s free Since my apartment gym doesn’t have a rack and barbell I’ve
    taken a step back from trying to improve my lifts for the big three those being
    squats deadlifts and bench press and instead shifted my focus from trying to
    lift progressively heavy things to just trying to stay fit and healthy while
    still building some muscle also I don’t know about you guys but new music just
    hasn’t been that good lately so I’ve been listening mostly to podcasts and
    audiobooks my two favorite right now are the all-in podcast and Bloomberg Odd
    Lots Odd Lots is pretty good for getting expert takes on all sorts of different
    topics related to the financial markets and the all-in podcast offers some
    pretty insightful discussion on current events and the cast can be very
    entertaining I’m always looking for new podcast to listen to though so let me
    know in the comments what podcast you guys enjoy or I should check out after I
    hit the gym I’ll shower make a protein shake and help my girlfriend prepare
    we try to cook a large batch in the beginning of the week so that there’s
    minimal prep time during the rest of the week Salmon’s pretty healthy and has a
    decent amount of protein and quinoa is a pretty high protein carb so we’re having
    both to try to better hit our protein intake
    goals after dinner I’ll take some time to relax right now my girlfriend and I
    are watching the bear on Hulu it’s a phenomenal show and it really makes me
    appreciate food culture a lot more I’ve always thought it’d be fun to open a
    restaurant or bar of some sort but after watching the show yeah no
    chance after this break it’s time to get back to work with the last few hours
    before bed I’ll use this time to either plan my next YouTube video or edit an
    existing one or more recently neither because I was editing a 2 and 1/2 hour
    movie of my trip to Africa but going forward I’ll hopefully be back on my
    rhythm after getting ready for bed if I have enough time I’ll try to squeeze in
    30 minutes or so of reading it’s a great way to calm the mind and to desensitize
    myself after looking at screens all day and then at around 11: to 11:30 I go to
    bed ready to do it all again tomorrow
  • 「現在の時刻は午前7時30分。気温は華氏13度(約-10.5度)で、快晴です。今日の予報も同じような天気で、最高気温は華氏30度(約-1度)、最低気温は13度です。
  • この手の動画を作るのは久しぶりです。最後に作ったのは確かちょうど1年前くらいでした。
  • 皆さんがこういった動画を楽しんでくれるのもありますが、個人的にも時折自分の生活を記録して、どれだけ変化したかを振り返るのが面白いと思っています。
  • 例えば、前回の動画からは、ニューヨーク市を出て新しい都市のアパートに引っ越し、仕事も変わりました。将来振り返ると、その時々の自分の生活がどうだったかを知ることがとても興味深く感じられると思います。
  • さて、この動画に入る前に一言だけお伝えします。ヘッジファンドは、運営や戦略に関する情報が漏れないよう細心の注意を払っています。
  • ですので、ヘッジファンドの内部や自分の仕事について詳しくお見せしたいところですが、会社への配慮から詳細には触れません。また、オフィス内の職場そのものもお見せできません。
  • ただ、できる範囲で楽しんでいただければと思います。では、どうぞ、私の在宅でのヘッジファンドのリスクアナリストとしての典型的な一日を再現した内容をお楽しみください。
  • 朝、最初にログインしたらBloombergとメールボックスを立ち上げます。対応が必要なメールがあればそれを最初に処理し、なければ朝のタスクに取りかかります。まず、ポートフォリオマネージャーに送るリスクメールを作成し、必要な情報をまとめて送信します。次に、ポートフォリオのレポートを作成するための自動化されたExcelシートを実行します。レポートが読み込まれている間にBloombergを立ち上げ、経済指標の発表や最新のニュースをチェックします。Bloombergには毎朝5件の重要ニュースがまとめられたアラートがあり、これを確認します。


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